For one of our client’s, elevating the coaching and leadership skills of their more than 15 front-line sales managers was critical. In response, we developed a more effective sales management process, then translated it into high-impact sales manager training.


The practical challenge then became: how to bring this sales manager training to life as quickly and consistently as possible? With competitors reliant on passive virtual training, we advocated for a more powerful experiential experience that would allow hands-on practice and peer-to-peer learning. But like so many companies today, our client lacked the large corporate training center and staff needed to execute the plan


65% of Consumers Look Up Price Comparisons While in a Physical Store (KPMG)

The client relied on Pearl West Academy’s expertise, and for this project, we conducted a website user experiment on products and services web pages of the client. The purpose of this exercise was to understand what prospects have to say about the first place they should get all the information about products and services.  prospects could think of the first impression and rate the relevance of the content. On the hand, our client obtains valuable information by understanding what the prospect would like to see in order to become a client. This university hub structure minimized travel costs and time-out-of-the-field. Small cohorts of front-line sales managers were brought to one of the different campuses for three-day professional development experiences that included videotaped role-plays and moderated discussions during playback.


Feedback on the university-based training was overwhelmingly positive. Post-session assessments revealed significant improvements in sales coaching frequency and effectiveness. As a larger organizational benefit, the new training signalled to the sales organisation the client’s new commitment to the front-line sales manager role. Motivation and engagement levels reached all-time highs.


Designing and executing a large-scale residential learning experience for a massive team of front-line sales managers.

Client: Fortune 500 Industrial Products Maker
Timing: 12 months
Results: New coaching process consistently implemented; all-time high motivation and engagement levels